27th Annual
Midwest Christian Coptic Orthodox Youth Convention
The 27th Annual Midwest Christian Coptic Orthodox Youth Convention will be held under the guidance of H.G. Bishop Moussa, H.G. Bishop Antonious Markos and H.G. Bishop Thomas.
Monday, July 19 thru Friday, July 23, 2010
Bowling Green State University - Bowling Green, Ohio
Theme: "Relationships Through God: Life Means Growth"
To officially register with St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church of Cleveland please fill out the registration form below thoroughly and submit your payment by the deadlines listed below. We respect your privacy and will keep this information confidential.
Please note that the participant's age is limited to age 13 years old through High School Seniors who just graduated.
All Chaperones must, at minimum, have finished their 2nd Year of College. Please note, that to participate as a chaperone, you will have to meet other requirements determined by both of our priests.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, June 20, 2010
LATE REGISTRATION DEADLINE ($15 late registration fee) is Sunday, June 27, 2010
If you have any questions, please contact
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