Peace With Nature: Orthodoxy and the Environment

By Mr. Bishoy M. Mikhail



This is the first publication in known history to be introduced by the ranking Patriarchs of both the Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox Families of Churches.  The eloquent introductions to this book were written by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

The subject of environmentalism and Orthodoxy is an important matter to be addressed by the Church in order to best foster a sound vision of  stewardship and care for the environment, which is the creation of God.   This text is the first of its kind to be published in the Coptic Orthodox Church.   This is a pressing topic which the Church must address as the  state of the created world continues to deteriorate due the abuses of God’s creation by man’s hands.

The book seeks to identify and show that the ecological crisis can be helped by the assistance of the Church, as a vehicle for inspiration and motivation  of her members.  The protection of the environment is a key role of the Church.  This role is evident in Sacred Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, in the writings of the Church Fathers, in the lives of the saints and in the teachings and life of the Church.

 This book is recommended for all those who are both interested in the scientific aspects of environmentalism and those interested in biblical, theological and patristic aspects of Orthodox theology.


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Last modified: 08/24/08