By Fr. Mikhail E. Mikhail
This book discussed the causes of homosexuality, the Coptic
Orthodox Church and homosexuality, homosexuality against God and
Christianity, homosexuality against the Church, homosexuality against humanity
itself, and society, and overcoming homosexuality. Introduction and Conclusion of The Coptic Orthodox Church's View on Homosexuality
Homosexuality is almost as old as man. The first mention in recorded history concerns Lot and the well-known history of Sodom and Gomorrah, which took place over 4000 years ago. Throughout all those years, homosexuality has never been accepted as a normal behavior and people have never been open about it comfortably. Conclusion
Homosexuality is a
sin condemned by God
in the Old and New
Testaments. The Old
Testament not only
homosexuality a sin,
but found it to be a
capital offense that
is punishable by
death. "If a man lie
with mankind as he
lieth with a woman,
both of them have
committed an
they shall surely be
put to death, their
blood shall be upon
them." (Leviticus
In the New Testament
in Corinthians
6:9-10, it says: "No
effeminate nor
abusers of
themselves with
mankind shall
inherit the kingdom
of God." Father Mikhail E. Mikhail, D. Min.
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